Saturday, May 23, 2020

Questions On Foundations Of Nursing - 1298 Words

HNB1102 Foundations of Nursing Name: Annie Ly ID: 3900965 Word Count: Lecturer: Sujashan The â€Å"No Lift† approach is advocated by Worksafe Victoria as best practice for patient manual handling in the healthcare industry. Identify two (2) control measures that fit under this â€Å"No Lift† approach and discuss how they reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries faced by nurses within Australia health care settings. Nurses today, are currently facing a common work-related health condition, jeopardizing their full capability to perform efficiently at work. The arising matter in the nursing profession within Australia is called the musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). ‘MSD is the presence of discomfort or damage within the muscles, skeletal system, joints, connective tissues, associated nerves and or soft tissues’ (Smith Leggat, 2003). MSD also involves ‘lower back pains, spinal disk generation, disk prolapse, muscle tears and spinal fractures causing pain continually or in a specific manner so it differs’ (Smith Leggat, 2003). This work-related back injury appears due to ‘the physical demands in the nursing profession, particularly when it comes to patient manual handling and due to the lack of proper education and training’ (Mitchell, O’Sullivan, Burnette, Straker, Rudd, 2008). To reduce and prevent these injuries faced by nurses within Australia health care settings, Worksafe Victoria adopted and advocated the â€Å"No Lift† approachShow MoreRelatedEssay on Nursing Coat of Arms1144 Words   |  5 PagesNursing is a profession whose focus is not only to care for the physical aspects of an illness but also to integrate the psychological, spiritual, and social aspects of the client’s life into their care. 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